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Welcome to Nativity of Our Lady Catholic Church

Welcome to Our Lady Nativity Darien Church

About Us

In spite of having such a small Catholic population, Darien has hosted a Catholic presence for nearly 500 years. Today, the Diocese of Savannah is pursuing his Canonization Cause of Sainthood, along with his four companions. Discover the fascinating journey of Catholicism in Darien.

A 500-Year Legacy: Darien’s Rich Spiritual Heritage

Beginning in 1526 with Dominican friars from Santo Domingo and continuing with Franciscan missionaries who worked closely with the native Guale population, the region has a rich spiritual heritage. One notable figure is Fray Pedro de Corpa, a Franciscan martyred in 1597, whose story is integral to the area’s history.

The faith community of Nativity of Our Lady welcomes you!

Mass Times



4:15 – 4:45 p.m. Reconciliation

5:00 p.m. Mass




9:15 – 9:45 a.m. Reconciliation

10:00 a.m. Mass


Holy Days


6:00 p.m. Mass